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Opening homepage of ANR PREMs project
The predictability of earthquakes has been debated since many decades, particularly their long-term recurrence (when, where and which magnitude). The nonlinearlity of the governing physics behind the process, the complexity of the Earth's interior and the uncertainty of the observable parameters are all factors which make earthquake prediction almost impossible …
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Our strategy is thus to map seismic activity in space and time as precisely as possible, involving various scale phenomena (the purpose of WP1 & WP2), construct the heterogeneous fault model (WP3) and study the sensibility and predictability (periodical behaviors and randomness) (WP4 & WP5). The episodic or periodic behaviors of tiny …
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Hideo AOCHI (Earthquake Seismology; Numerical Modeling)
Julie MAURY (Seismology; Seismicity)
ISTerre, Chambéry
Blandine GARDONIO (Seismology; Seismicity)
Laboratoire de Geologie de l'Ecole Normale Superieur, Paris
Alexandre SCHUBNEL (Rock mechanics; Seismicity)
Harsha BHAT (Mechanics, Numerical Modeling)
Yishuo ZHOU (PhD)
Laboratoire de Physique de l'Ecole Normale Superieur, Paris
François …
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We are going to recrute a few students and postdocs.
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BRGM, Orléans
ISTerre, Chambéry
Laboratoire de Geologie de l'Ecole Normale Superieur, Paris
Laboratoire de Physique de l'Ecole Normale Superieur, Paris
Laboratoire de Mathematiques Jean Leray, Nantes.
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Working Packages
WP1: Field data analysis
Objective: Improving the seismicity catalog in the selected area with reliable method
Coordination: Blandine GRADONIO (ISTerre)
WP2: Laboratory data analysis
Objective: Having experimental catalog for testing a small perturbation of stress
Coodination: Alexandre SCHUBNEL (LGENS)
WP3: Realistic numerical model of fault heterogeneity
Objective: Establishing the heterogeneity …
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