Working Packages

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WP1: Field data analysis

Objective: Improving the seismicity catalog in the selected area with reliable method

Coordination: Blandine GRADONIO (ISTerre)

WP2: Laboratory data analysis

Objective: Having experimental catalog for testing a small perturbation of stress

Coodination: Alexandre SCHUBNEL (LGENS)

WP3: Realistic numerical model of fault heterogeneity

Objective: Establishing the heterogeneity fault model for simulaiton

Coordination: Hideo AOCHI (BRGM)

WP4: Statistical tools

Objective: Developing new analysis methods

Coordination: François PETRELIS (LPENS) - Nicolas PETRELIS (LMJL)

WP5: Integration and application towards predictability and seismic hazard

Objective: Running seismic cycle simulations under variable stress loading and developing te time-dependent seismic hazard scheme

Coordination: Hideo AOCIH (BRGM)

